Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We Love Our July Guests!

We absolutely loved spending time with our dog and cat friends this July. It is hard to believe the Summer is half way over! Enjoy a few pictures of some of our favorite guests.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Friday June 25th is Take Your Dog to Work Day!

"On Friday June 25, 2010, businesses, animal shelters and pet-care professionals from around the world will work together to better the lives of shelter dogs everywhere. Thousands of businesses will GO FURRY to promote pet adoption by opening their doors to employees’ furry, four-legged friends on this day in celebration of the great companions dogs make."  Visit the Take Your Dog to Work Day website for tips on preparing your dog for the office!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Some of Our Favorite Guests this Month!

Want your dog or cat to have this much fun while you're out of town?  To make a boarding reservation give us a call at 856-661-0707 or exisiting customers may book online at https://reservations.bestfriendspetcare.com/Login.aspx

Friday, May 7, 2010

Get Your Dog Groomed at Best Friends and Help Clean up the Oil Spill in the Gulf!

A non profit organization called Matter of Trust is collecting donations of clean hair and fur of all kinds to clean up the oil in the ocean. Hair is hydrophobic which means it repels water, it is also great for absorbing oil (greasy hair means that hair collects oil). So Matter of Trust has volunteers making devices called hair mats and hair booms out of recycled hair and nylons- which are then placed in the water to soak up the oil.

Schedule your dog for a grooming today.  Best Friends Pet Care will be donating all hair clippings to Matter of Trust to assist in the Oil Spill clean up.  Give us a call at 856-661-0707 and start saving the world!

Here is the video that was posted on youtube.com explaining what Matter of Trust is doing and how it works!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Fun at Best Friends

Each year at Easter time, we do an easter egg hunt with our pet guests.  We hide some snacks in easter eggs around the playtime yard and let our guests find them during their activities. Here are some photos from years past.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fun Kitty Fact

Just in case you were wondering, male cats tend to be left pawed and female cats tend to be right pawed when it comes to complex behaviors. Researchers at Queen's University Belfast observed 42 cats as they tried to get kitty treats out of a jar. Playtime on the other hand, is a different story. Cats tend to bat their toys around-wether in the air or on the floor-with both their right and left paws.

-article from WebMD pet magazine, Spring/Summer 2010 issue.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Now thats one big bunny!!

With Easter just around the corrner, I thought this might be a cute story to get us in the Easter Bunny spirit! I found it at Pawnation.com

Weighing in at over forty pounds, this English rabbit might just be the biggest bunny the world has ever seen.
Ralph, a Continental Giant rabbit, eats about $15 worth of food a day, says his owner Pauline Grant. The bunny consumes Weetabix cereal, crackers, apples, carrots, cabbages, toast, sweetcorn and huge bowls of rabbit food. Grant told the U.K's Sky News that she's still awaiting official confirmation of his stats, but she's hoping he will make it into the Guinness Book of World Records.
If his size is confirmed at 42 pounds and 4 feet in length, he'll knock his own mother out of the record books. According to the folks at Guinness, Ralph's dam, Amy, was listed in 2008 as the world's longest rabbit" at 2 feet, 8 inches.
Known for being a larger breed than most, Continental Giants typically weigh between 12 and 16 pounds. The minimum length of a show rabbit is 25.5 inches.
As long as Ralph continues with his voracious appetite, Grant says she'll keep feeding him. How long do you think this record will last?

Photo from: Mike Walker, M&Y News Agency